Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a Busy World We Live In.

Well, it has been forever since I have posted anything and even checked out anyone else's blog. We have been pretty busy. Emily has been really busy with dance rehearsing for Diamond Talent's big Christmas show. Last Saturday she was at dance from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. I have been busy with school. I should be studying for my lecture and lab tests right now--but I feel like being distracted right now. I started my clinicals for my CNA class last Saturday and that went really well (except the 6 a.m. part--that sucked!) Taylor played in a baseball tournament over Halloween weekend and had a lot of fun. He played 1st base and pitched. Whitney is loving preschool. We can't leave the house early enough to get her there! I am looking forward to a little break during Thanksgiving, but I am not looking forward to finals after that!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Is It Time For A New Post?

I figured out it is hard to post something without pictures. Terance 'borrowed' my camera, then lost it. Go figure. He finally did find it the day before yesterday. Since then, Taylor was in the DSC Homecoming parade, we went out on the deer hunt last weekend, and Taylor had his 14th birthday on Sunday!! Am I seriously old enough to have a 14 year old son? (I think I will start a rumor that I had him when I was 11) I took pictures with Terance's dad's camera, so if I ever get them, I will post some. It was fun to open presents by the campfire!! F.Y.I., Albertson's makes cakes out of cupcakes--great idea while camping--no need for plates, knives, forks etc!! My nephew Chase got the only deer, but we had a lot of fun just driving around.
Too soon enough, it was back to the real world of work, homework, and schedules!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is it UEA Weekend Yet?

School is still going strong! I must say that even with the extra headaches and stress, it is fun to be learning again. I got an A--yeah--on my Phys Lab test. I was so excited. I took my Phys Lecture test on Friday night, so I am not sure how that went. I have just finished my paper on Diabetic Retinopathy for Phys Lab, I just need to print it out and have Terance proof read it and show me if he sees anything I need to change. I still have 2 chapter tests I need to take today for my CNA class. The testing center doesn't open until 4 today. I then need to finish my paper on pressure ulcers for my CNA class. I also just remembered I have 3 chapters to read and 3 chapters of workbook to do for my CNA class before tomorrow! I just wish I could leave and go with my in-laws on Thursday for UEA. They are all going out to the sands for the deer hunt. I have to work--blah, blah, blah--so I can't go out until Friday night!! Oh well, Saturday and Sunday should be a fun time spent relaxing--Oh yeah, I'm the one with the tag, so we hunt MY way this year!!! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Maybe I am a 'returning student' but since when do labs have tests and and papers?? I have to do an MLA format paper (whatever the H#&^% that stands for) on diabetic retinopathy and I have a test on Friday! I thought labs were just the on-hands learning for class. Guess my on hands learning is now going to be tested on! I hope I do well. My test is actually Fri-Mon, but since I get 12 extra credit points for taking on Fri===I WILL be taking on Friday!! I actually am really stressed with all I have to do and keep up with, but I am really enjoying learning and being back in school. I am just fascinated (and overwhelmed) with everything. I just wish I had more TIME and PEACE & QUIET to study and learn!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Taylor in the Parade

Today was the Dixie Roundup Parade. Taylor is in the Dixie Middle School marching band. He thought it was pretty fun!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Back To School

I was so nervous today because we were getting our first test back in Physiology. I just didn't want to know. I honestly was scared to death. He handed me my test back and it said 46. I was like oh crap, I know I couldn't have failed it--what did I do wrong? Well, I got 46 out of 50. An A-!!! Yeah!!! I know my goal should be an A, but it actually was; I hope I get at least a B on that test! Well I did better! Yes, it may seem a little cheesy, but I have been trying so hard to study even with all my activities and distractions. I feel like if I am awake, not at work, not chasing kids, I should be reading. Well, I'm home from work and now I need to go get something ready for dinner so I can study!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Great White Hunter Returns

Terance just returned from his deer hunt in Colorado. This is what he came home with. (I think the one Taylor shot last year may have been bigger!) Terance had fun, but poor James was sick the whole time.
Terance and James on their horses in the wilderness of Colorado. I haven't heard any horror horse stories yet. I was worried since Terance got a concussion 4 or 5 days before they left when he fell off a horse at the ranch over Labor Day weekend.

Venison for breakfast--the morning after the kill.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School

Whitney's first day of school! I went to take pictures on Whitney's first day of preschool and my camera said 'change battery pack'! I was lucky to get a picture. Even when I think I am prepared, somehow something seems to go wrong! At least I got a picture!

Labor Day Weekend

Last weekend, we went to the ranch for a little R & R. O.K. for Terance it was horse riding and for me, it was homework! It was nice to be up in the mountains for some cool weather. I decided that a little piece of heaven is a night thunderstorm, with rain pounding on the trailer while watching a campfire fight with the rain through my bedroom window. (of course the kids are asleep also!) Whitney and Sarah hanging out at the campfire.
Michelle does not pay attention to the NO PASSENGERS sign on the 4 wheeler!

Taylor has decided that riding a horse can be fun.

My two cowboys!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Whit--The Tough Chick

Last night was my nephew Nathan's birthday party. There were about 14 10-11 year old boys in James & Michelle's pool, plus Tanner & Taylor. Was Whitney scared? No! She didn't care about waiting for someone to get out of her way when she jumped off the diving board!
She didn't care if there were boys in her way when she wanted to go down the slide!

She may be small--but get out of her way!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back To School

O.K., so school started last week. Did I take pictures of my kids on the first day of school----no. Am I a slacker?---yes! Do I care?---no! Taylor is now at Dixie Middle School. He walks to school with the neighbors. He is a little disappointed because he went to a nice brand new school last year and now he is in such a 'little' school. He is now one of the bratty kids that walk through my work parking lot on their way to lunch everyday! Ha! Ha!
Emily has started her last year of elementary---ruling the school as a big 5th grader at Heritage Elementary. Right next door to our horses and llamas and probably soon---pigs again. AAaagh!
I start school next Wednesday--yep my life isn't complicated enough--lets throw in some college classes--there will definately be no pictures on my first day of school!
Whitney doesn't start pre-school until September. She is really excited to go to Kiddie Garden Preschool around the corner! I think I will be prepared to take pictures of her! ha-

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where Did The Summer Go?

I can't believe summer is over already---granted we have been busy, but holy cow I can't believe school started today! I have been so unprepared! We spent all of last week in Steamboat Springs, Colorado for the Triple Crown World Series baseball tournament with Taylor. His team came in 2nd place in their bracket! We went to 10 baseball games in 6 days. Last Thursday, Taylor didn't have any games, so we decided to drive to Denver and went to 2 Colorado Rockies games. They were alot of fun and it was really neat to drive over the Rocky Mountains. Steamboat Springs is so beautiful. I really loved it. We stayed in the trailer about 15 miles up the mountain outside of Steamboat Springs. Our campground was up at 9300 feet in elevation. Talk about beautiful! (There were a lot of mosquitos too). It was a really neat experience. I would love to go back!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Scout Camp 2008

Terance & Taylor went to scout camp up in Kolob this week. I got a phone call from Terance today saying that they were on their way off the mountain because he had to take Taylor to Instacare. I guess Taylor was in the lake just a little more than waist high in the water and went to dive in the rest of the way. He hit a big sharp rock and got a pretty deep cut--right between the eyes. His forehead was also a little scraped up and he has braces dent marks on his lips. A little bit of clean out and 4 stitches later--they went back up the hill to scout camp. I took pictures, but Terance took my camera back to scout camp, so when they get home, I will post some pictures. --Cuz wounds heal and chicks dig scars!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ranch Weekend

Well, instead of cleaning out the garage or something we really needed to do, Terance decided we should go to the ranch because his good friend Jerry's girlfriend (of the season) wanted to go camping. So a weekend we had at home turned out a weekend away from home. It was fun. They played horseshoes and ate good and we played cards. It is cooler than St. George. Whitney especially loves to turn into a big dustball. Taylor loves to ride the 4 wheeler and his dirt bike. Terance loves to ride his horses, and Emily had fun building the fire and even shooting. I enjoy the quiet laid back time without scheduling (except of course, Mom I'm hungry when's lunch?) We (Emily, Whitney, and I) just barely got home. (Terance & Taylor stayed an extra night) It rained most of the way home. We came home through Zion's and that was pretty cool. I just wish it would have been lighter outside, because my favorite is Zion's when it is raining. When we came out of the tunnel, we just entered a big mountain cloud. It was a little scary at first, but then it thinned out. Even though it was raining, I just left my window open and enjoyed the peaceful rain! I had to stop and get a coke in Hurricane to stay awake for the rest of the ride home which is why I am blogging this late. I am AWAKE now! It is going to be miserable getting up in the morning and trying to get ready for work! Next--I guess I really mean this week, Taylor & Terance have scout camp--I think they are going to Kolob. Friday and Saturday (during scout camp) Taylor has ball games up in Spanish Fork for a Pioneer Tournament. I don't know if we will be headed to Spanish Fork this weekend or not! We'll see! I guess I will post pictures tomorrow or so when I find out where I packed my camera! :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Time For a Break!

O.K. we are all exhausted! I am still trying to recover from last week. Taylor's all star team played Monday-Thursday in Cedar City. We did not get home each night until 10:00. When we weren't in Cedar, we were at work. By the time the weekend came, we were all shot. Now it is Monday and back to the grindstone. Taylor doesn't have a baseball tournament until next weekend. He also has scout camp next week, so we will see how that goes. It has been so quiet without Em & Whit here. I miss the stinkers! I can't wait until Wedensday and I get to go pick them up.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Taylor's All-Star team played Washington today. We lost--but Taylor did really well. He had a couple of good hits! He started out in left field, switched to first base, then pitched a couple of innings, then went back to first. His ball games are so fun! It just sucks that we have to travel so far!

Fourth of July

What a busy weekend! What a fun weekend! Thursday, Taylor had 2 baseball games in Spanish Fork (they won both) and Friday he had 2 baseball games in Heber (won 1 lost 1). Friday night, we had tickets to Stadium of Fire in Provo. All 3 kids loved Blue Man Group & Emily & Whitney both loved Miley Cyrus. (Taylor got a little tired!) The fireworks were amazing! Saturday, Terance had to go to the "Mother Land" (also known as Cabelas)--we were there for 4 hours!!! We stopped at Provo's Freedom Festival and dropped Emily off with her aunt & uncle and headed up to Salt Lake and went to a Bees baseball game. We stayed at Caroline & Matthews apartment. We finally got home last night at 10:30 p.m. Today, I work for a few hours and then we are headed to Cedar City for more baseball games! Taylor made the all-star team for Pony League!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dancing Girls

I just got the pictures of my girls in their dance recital costumes. They turned out pretty cute. I'm not sure what to do this weekend, because we will actually be home. Housework just doesn't sound like a good idea to me--even though I need to do it desperately! Maybe I'll just scrapbook the girls dance pictures and get started on our Lake Powell trip--yeah that's a better idea!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lake Powell 2008

We just got back from a trip to Lake Powell with Terance's sister's family. (James & Michelle Sullivan) We had a ton of fun & sun. I was amazed at how well Whitney did. She had so much fun playing in the water, riding on the boat, and even 'cliff' jumping. Taylor spent his time tubing, fishing, swimming, and riding in the paddle boat. Emily loved hanging out in the sun, swimming, tubing, and going for ice cream at Dangling Rope. My favorite was picnicing up Cathedral Canyon and floating on a tube with Whitney. Terance just loved hanging out, cliff jumping and joking with all the boys.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

On The Road Again & Again & Again

Once again we have been a busy family. Terance had his family reunion at his mom's ranch and we also went to the Grand Canyon together. The kids had a lot of fun and got really dusty and dirty! We got home last Monday and then I left on Thursday to go to a scrapbook retreat at a cabin east of Zions until Sunday. I was there with Terance's mom, sisters, and cousin. We had a lot of fun and good food that we didn't have to cook! I scrapped 60 pages! I finished our whole trip to California we took in January! This weekend Taylor has baseball games in South Sevier and Richfield and then next week we are probably headed to Lake Powell with Terance's sister's family.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Emily at Delta Junior Livestock Show

Emily showed her pig at the junior livestock show in Delta last week. She did a really good job. Her pig sold for $600. It was really hard on her to see the pig go.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Spanish Fork May 17th

Saturday, Taylor had a double header in Spanish Fork with his Caesars team. He played awesome! He was 4 for 4 at the plate--although the team lost both games; in the first game he was the only one to get hits! The weather was beautiful! After the game we drove over to Price and stayed overnight at Terance's sisters house. It was a nice little quick weekend.

Whitney Dance

Whitney Dance

Whitney Dance

Whitney Dance

Emily Jazz

Emily Jazz

Emily Ballet

Emily Ballet

Emily Musical Theatre

Emily Musical Theatre

Lake Powell

Lake Powell

Fish Creek Falls

Fish Creek Falls

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Staying at Hotel Melville

Staying at Hotel Melville

Visiting Nana

Visiting Nana

First Base Catch

First Base Catch

Taylor in Spanish Fork

Taylor in Spanish Fork

Taylor Ice Breaker Tournament Champions

Taylor Ice Breaker Tournament Champions
Panguitch May 3, 2008

Ranch Baseball

Ranch Baseball

Emily Washing Pigs

Emily Washing Pigs

Cliff Jumping

Cliff Jumping
Terance, Chase, Casey, James

Emily & Whitney

Emily & Whitney
Dancing to Miley Cyrus Stadium of Fire

San Diego Zoo Monkeys

San Diego Zoo Monkeys

Hanging Out

Hanging Out